A neuroscientist and some grape skins vs. the pharmaceutical industry.

The true enemy: “False Pain”

In late 2017, NPR aired a two-minute segment on the science behind our new pain cream. It became such a popular segment that it left our customers hungry for more detail. So by popular demand and for the first time ever, here’s part 3 of an 11-part story on the discovery and creation of Ted’s Pain Cream. To read from the beginning, click here.

According to Dr. Ted Price, pain often outlives the injury that triggers it (in some cases for years). The reason for this is that after you heal, your nociceptors (pain-sensing nerves) don’t always reset their pain threshold, so the mechanism designed to help you protect a wound while it recovers gets stuck in permanent “on” mode. Meaning you feel minor sensations like heat or pressure as pain. This is what Ted and Greg call “false pain,” (and in their words, the longer you ignore it, the more stubborn it becomes). What they showed in their published research was that resveratrol seems to do something entirely new. Something no other topical did. Instead of numbing all sensation, or adding a new sensation, it may actually turn the volume back down on over-sensitive nerves, and eliminate the false pain, while preserving the important, true pain that prevents you from injuring yourself even worse.

Here’s a video that explains it in more detail.


The scientist becomes the test subject.   Next >



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