A neuroscientist and some grape skins vs. the pharmaceutical industry.

Science finds a natural topical more promising than CBD.

In late 2017, NPR aired a two-minute segment on the science behind our new pain cream. It became such a popular segment that it left our customers hungry for more detail. So by popular demand and for the first time ever, here’s part 1 of an 11-part story on the discovery and creation of Ted’s Pain Cream. To read from the beginning, click here.

The time: the not-too-distant past. The setting: Ted’s university neuroscience lab.

Dr. Price, having abandoned his initial research focus on cannabinoids as potential pain relievers (long story short: the clinical evidence so far doesn’t support the hype), was in some pain himself. An old high school football injury left him dealing with constant, lingering effects, effects which prevented him from enjoying his favorite pastime, basketball. On this particular day, the pain was enough that it was also preventing him from doing any decent lab work.

“I remember thinking to myself how pathetic it was that I’m supposed to be some kind of expert in pain, I’m sitting in a pain lab with my name on the door plate, and I’m completely unable to do anything to help my own pain,” recalls Dr. Price.

That’s when it finally hit him. For some time, he’d been investigating an interesting therapy involving a promising new compound. Well, technically, it was an old compound. But it was new in the pain world. He’d even published a few peer-reviewed articles on its success in treating specific pain conditions. A natural compound found in particularly strong concentrations in grape skins, it was called resveratrol. And it just so happened that Ted had some lying around his lab.

Read Ted’s published, peer-reviewed work on resveratrol here.


A brief primer on a tarnished miracle cure.   Next >



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