We never expected these migraine results

But we’ll take them.

Dr. Ted Price and Dr. Greg DussorThree days after Dr. Ted Price first tested his now eponymously named pain cream on his own Achilles, he knew he had something special. He just didn’t know how special. Back at the beginning, he and his research partner Dr. Greg Dussor, an international expert in migraine, had no way of knowing they’d one day found a company on the side, offering the fruit of their research to chronic pain patients, all while keeping their positions as full-time professors and pain researchers. They just knew that for the first time in years, Ted could play basketball again without wincing at every step.

LabIn the years that would follow, Ted’s pain cream would bring lots of surprises. Patients with previously unresponsive pain conditions finding relief. Other patients finally getting off opioids. Arthritis and carpal tunnel sufferers, fibromyalgia and post-herpetic neuralgia sufferers, runners and ballet dancers, fellow scientists and medical professionals, all offering glowing reviews in surprising numbers. And even the NPR Science report that led to his first year’s supply selling out in two days. But to Ted and Greg, the biggest surprise of all wouldn’t arrive until analyzing our first batch of customer surveys. In those surveys, we asked customers how well their pain responded to Ted’s Pain Cream. We then plotted different pain conditions against their level of relative relief. One of the stand out conditions: migraine.

Pain survey results“Honestly, it was embarrassing,” recounts Greg. “I’m supposed to be some kind of migraine expert, and it never occurred to either me or Ted to even try the cream on migraine. But it certainly occurred to our customers.” Hundreds of customers had been applying the cream to their neck and temples and raved about the results. “Migraine is notoriously tricky to treat with any medicine. To think that an experiment that began on Ted’s own ankle may have led to migraine sufferers reporting meaningful relief,” says Greg, “well I guess after the embarrassment wore off, turns out I’m pretty proud of that.”

If you’re interested in the science details of Ted’s Pain Cream, and how it might target pain in an entirely new way, read more here.



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